Christine Clinckx, (building up) Fort Ertbrand, 2017 , recuperation wood, tables, chairs, beds, wardrobe, film on monitor... Theater stage - Hommage to August Clinckx my great grand father 252cc Ekeren

zondag 26/11 / theater voorstelling Pikzpalace in the installation installatie / oorlogsmaaltijd

expo/ EXPO | 100 jaar Groote Oorlog, Ekeren en Andernach tijdens WO I — bij 252 cc.

Christine Clinckx, Fort Ertbrand, 2017 , recuperation wood, tables, chairs, beds, wardrobe, film on monitor... Theater stage - Hommage to August Clinckx my great grand father

Christine Clinckx, Fort Ertbrand, 2017 , recuperation wood, tables, chairs, beds, wardrobe, film on monitor... Theater stage - Hommage to August Clinckx my great grand father

zondag 26/11 / theater voorstelling Pikzpalace in the installation installatie / oorlogsmaaltijd



Christine Clinckx, Fort Ertbrand, 2017 , recuperation wood, tables, chairs, beds, wardrobe, film on monitor... Theater stage - Hommage to August Clinckx my great grand father