??? Performance CCC (Cellule COMBATTANTE Collagiste) Christine Clinckx!!! WAR IS OVER!!! , 2021 link performance film
Outfit of black and white collages of messed up people and landscapes, rain boots & handbag filled with water.
Defile / Art Walk 30 artists / Wearable Art curated by Lotte Beckwé and Brecht Buyse
Christine Clinckx , Overgelopen Schoenen, 2024, Shoes Emulsion

Christine Clinckx, Overgelopen schoenen, 2024, shoes , emulsion and Christine Clinckx, Wedding Shoes, 2000, chewing gum, oil paint , wedding shoes

Defilé van draagbare kunst / De l’art portable / of Wearable art
??? 30 ARTISTS ??? curated By Brecht Buyse and Lotte Beckwé
SUPER MATERIA , wearable art from their respective disciplines - as painters, sculptors, tailors, jewellery designers, activists, writers, dancers, choreographers, video artists, musicians, performance artists.
zondag 26 mei 14h
??Datum: zondag 26 april
?Adres: 19 Sint-Gisleinsstraat, 1000 Brussel
Deuren open: 14.00 uur
Show: 16.00 uur
Sluiting: 20.00 uur
?Gratis toegang, zonder reservatie
?? Meer info over de tentoonstelling:
??Date : 26 mai 2024
?Adresse : 19 rue Saint-Ghislain, 1000 Bruxelles
??Horaires de l’exposition:
Ouverture des portes : 14h
Show : 16h
Clôture : 20h
?Entrée gratuite, sans réservation
?? Plus d'infos sur l'expo :

Dialogist-Kantor, Grégoire Motte, Christine Clinckx, Hannelore Charlotte Celen, Siet Raeymaekers, Stephanie Becquet, Merzedes Sturm-Lie, Åsa Lie, Pieter Van Nieuwenhuyse,

Bram Borloo, Nick Defour, Mathieu Hendrickx , Dirk Elst, Parallelle Hilde, Bart Lescrève, Sergej Culumarevic, Delphine van Saksen-Coburg, Meis, Martha Thissen,

Thomas Koevoets, Walt Van Beek, Iffy Iemand, Marion Henry, Vincent Legrand, Marianne Verwilghen en Vincent Laute, Ikaros Mouchouttas, Ucedo, Caroline Purgal,

Xavier Maury, Donatienne Grégoire, Sarah Vandael, Thomas Delanote, Joris Hendrickx, Petrus Dekker

+ muzikale begeleiding door Frans Kessels
+ ceremoniemeester McCloud Zicmuse, de ‘Prins zonder Carnaval’ van Schaarbeek
+ dj Cut Me Show

NEW EXPO COMING UP - REBEL GARDEN Musea Brugge curator Michel Dewilde Art Historian & Curator This exhibition focuses on the impact of humans on nature. I have made this work Radiated as a protest after visiting the Navajo Nation Dinéh community at the Four Corners Reservation, USA. Uranium is a heavy metal. It is chemically toxic radioactive. Depleted uranium consists almost purely of the isotope 238U (99.79%). This isotope has a very long half-life of about 4.5 billion years. We, Europeans use this uranium in our nuclear power plants. Uranium is mined in Arizona by the Native Americans and the people who dig this up get sick, uranium is dangerous and toxic for the food chain. You could call this the new colonization of the rich Western world. So don't buy electricity from Electrabel who support this kind of energy. They are the owners of the power plants. Go for Green Electricity!
?#christineclinckx ,Radiated 1996-2024 ongoing photograph on Steinbach paper with emulsion
?. EXPO REBEL GARDEN 13 April 2024 - 1 September 2024 LOCATION : Groeninge Museum, Gruuthuse Museum and Museum Sint-Janshospitaal. more info : https://www.museabrugge.be/.../tentoonstellingen/rebelgarden



Christine Clinckx, Door 4 , 2010 drawing on paper with Lipstick, collection Provinciehuis Antwerpen


LETTERS From January 26 to April 19, 2024 you can see the LETTERS presentation in the Province of Antwerp Provincial House. Works from the provincial art collection with points of contact between visual art and literature or poetry are given a place in the art installation by Nico Dockx curator Bob Daems. The provincial art collection contains many works with points of contact between visual art and literature or poetry. Work that often arises from collaborations between artists and writers, but also individual work by dual talents. Visual arts in which language plays a crucial role will be given a place in the public space of the provincial government building. Expect art folders with contributions from writers and beautifully illustrated poetry collections. Appropriately, the exhibition opens on Poetry Day, which heralds the start of Poetry Week. Opening LETTEREN on January 25 The opening of the LETTEREN exhibition will take place in the provincial government building on Thursday, January 25, 2024 at 7 p.m. Then register via the link, no later than January 18. https://www.provincieantwerpen.be/aanbod/dlog/collectie-provincie-antwerpen/every-collection-hides-another-collection/letteren.html?fbclid=IwAR20OmfJiTu0i0GTP1jjPil5eqGu2x_ZrGm7Ap9InsT4_WFx6Ji1Ck8GJZ8 ? work : Christine Clinckx, Door 4, 2010 drawing on paper with lipstick, collection Provinciehuis Antwerp Expo with work by : Wilfried Adams, Pierre Alechinsky, Roger Avermaete, Bruneau, Hugo Claus, Christine Clinckx, Jan Cox, Jan Danckaert, Remi De Cnodder, Gerda De Gheselle, Luc Degryse, René De Lannoy, Betty De Leye, Benedictus De Mey, Denmark, Henri De Smeth, Paul De Vree, James Ensor, Ephameron, Gerard Gaudaen, Jef Geeraerts, Jo Gisekin, André Goezu, Paul Goris, Ado Hamelrijck, Hugo Heyens, Dr. Hugo Heyrman, Marie-Roze Lannoy, Henri Leys, Paule Lonneville, Jean Baptist Meunier, Mugo, May Néama, Jos Noreille, Michel Oukhow, Wilfried Pas, Jozef Peeters, Pjeroo Roobjee, Rik Slabbinck, Marc Schepers, Toon Tersas, Luc Tuymans, Nic Van Bruggen, Katelijne van der Hallen, Albert van Dyck, Magda Van Houdt, Philip Van Isacker, Marcel Van Maele, Jan Vanriet, Eddy Van Vliet, Willem van Zadelhoff, Wout Vercammen, Emile Verhaeren, Henri-Victor Wolvens, Ysbrant, Zak



Christine Clinckx, Door 4 , 2010 drawing on paper with Lipstick, collection Provinciehuis Antwerpen in an installation of Nico Dockx




christine clinckx, Performance, Laat je Geheim in een Topje Naaien, (Have Your secret sewn into your Top) Table, Clothing, Sewing, Secrets performance ( 2023 M HKA museum )


Performance door Christine Clinckx @M HKA Museum Antwerp



Start: onthaalruimte M HKA https://www.muhka.be/nl/programme/detail/1624-kunstendag-voor-kinderen

Bij de kunstwerken van Dorothy Iannone kruip je samen met kunstenaar Christine Clinckx onder tafel om een geheim te delen.

Wat wil jij kwijt? Schrijf het op een stuk papier en laat je boodschap met naald en draad op een topje of T-shirt vereeuwigen.

Geen nood, je neemt je top secret zelf terug mee naar huis! 


Honored by Honoré d'O , Iris Paschalidis and Luk Lambrecht as ‘mysterious artwork’ from the Stedelijk Museum voor Actuele Kunst S.M.A.K. collection. I would like to thank you all for being part of this Wonderfull exhibition "A Bite Of Knowledge " PXL MAD PXL-Mad Gallery school of Arts Hasselt.
PXL-MAD opent het nieuwe academiejaar met expo 'A Bite of Knowledge' van Honoré d’O, gecureerd door Luk Lambrecht. Honoré d'O (1961) is een kunstenaar van invloed en opereert tussen de plooien en (n)iemandsland van taal en beelden, die in een staat van voorlopigheid en poëzie blijven resoneren.
Voor PXL-MAD School of Arts, spint hij op basis van zijn iconisch werk ‘Draaiboek voor de Schatbewaarder’ (1996-97) een web met ander werk in een intense 'lerende' dialoog met geactiveerde studenten/docenten. Een insert met kunst en tekst van kunstenaar Leo Copers, aangevuld met een ‘mysterious artwork’ uit de ruime S.M.A.K.-collectie — dat op de vernissage wordt onthuld — genereert een ferme beet in de wetenschap dat kennis over mens en wereld nooit af is.
Opening donderdag 5 oktober:
18:00: Grote Aula, gebouw B
introducties van Honoré d'O, Christophe De Jaeger (directur GLUON Brussel) en Iris Paschalidis (Hoofd collectie S.M.A.K. Gent)
19:00: MAD Gallery, gebouw G
Opening tentoonstelling met werk van Honoré d'O, Leo Copers en mysterious artwork uit de collectie van het S.M.A.K. Gent.
Finissage donderdag 26 oktober
18:00: MAD Gallery, gebouw G
Beschouwing van Philippe Van Cauteren, directeur S.M.A.K. Gent.
PXL-MAD School of Arts
Campus Elfde Linie, gebouw B en G
3500 Hasselt
artwork: #christineclinckx, Stick It Up Yours, 1998 chewing gum , text, ed /10 @ SMAK Collection https://smak.be/nl/kunstwerken/stick-it-up-yours-4814


21 - 24 September
Eva Steynen.Deviations Gallery Booth 8
We are glad to participate at the Unseen Amsterdam Photo Fair. We present a solo exhibition with recent works by Christine Clinckx from three series 'Lover Boy', 'The Noice Person' and the 'The Artist Elisabeth Virginia, Joanna, Verheyen-Content'.
Preview: 21 September, 14:00 - 17:00
Opening Night: 21 September, 17:00 - 22:00
Public days: 22 - 24 September, 11:00 - 19:00
Location: Westergas Amsterdam, Klönnenplein 1
More info: unseenamsterdam.com
Request your free tickets I
Thanks for the pictures ? Johannes Ulrich Kubiak collage jurk


opening night photo by Alexander Dym

Christine Clinckx
Curator Jan Van Woensel
Opening: 6 pm, Thursday, 29 June, 2023
Exhibition: 30 June–2 September, 2023
Ladislav Sutnar Gallery
Pilsen, Czech Republic

The first solo exhibition in the Czech Republic of the Belgian artist Christine Clinckx is held from 30 June until 2 September, 2023, in the Ladislav Sutnar Gallery in Pilsen, CZ.

The untitled exhibition features four large-scale installations that are joined by a sound artwork AIPOTU (Time in Reverse) 2023-2043 that makes its debut appearance.

The projects of Christine Clinckx address history through the contingencies of her own biography and engage with the subjects of war, refugees, dislocation and disappearance.

In doing so, they cause conflicts, tensions and frictions that open a space for critical discourse on the transitional social, cultural, political, technological, environmental and humanitarian issues from the 1990’s until today.


EXPO : ONBOARDS Biennial 23 Onboards Biennale ??Tour map https://onboards.be/locations-map-onboards-23/
.IN TOUCH: an exhibition featuring 100 contemporary artworks displayed on billboards throughout the streets of Antwerp, accompanied by audio descriptions of artworks and an additional exhibit on over 100 digital boards. From 12th June to 10th July 2023, in the streets of Antwerp.
During the exhibition, the artworks will be displayed on two locations; On the first location from June 12th till June 26th and on the second location from June 26th till July 10th.
With this edition named IN TOUCH, ONBOARDS BIENNALE 2023 brings again contemporary artworks close to society and communicates to the general public, in their daily environment, at any time of the day.
? #christineclinckx , portrait of an Artist L.P. In solidarity with the woman of Iran , Protest 2022 collage ?? BILBOARD Draakplaats - Antwerpen
More Info : www.onboards.be

Exciting Announcement! 9 Juli 2023 — Fietstocht langs de Onboards Biennale -Stad Antwerpen


A vos agendas ! Art au Centre #12 aura lieu du 8 juin au 31 août prochain et réunira les oeuvres de 29 artistes dans 26 vitrines de commerces vides du centre-ville. 

Le livret explicatif et le plan du parcours seront téléchargeables en français et en anglais sur www.artaucentre.be et également disponibles en version papier

au desk info des galeries Saint Lambert et à la Maison du Tourisme.

ARTISTES: Jonathan Bablon, Balta, João Basto, Guillaume Bijl, Fouad Bouchoucha, Axelle Bruniau, Vincent Burger, Christine Clinckx, Nina Cosco, Sébastien Delvaux, 

Camille Feldmann, Josquin Gouilly Frossard, Tom Hallet, Mélissande Herdier, Theodora Jacobs & Pia Jacques, Shen Ozdemir, Elisa Piazzi, Tom Putman, Alexane Sanchez & 

Chris Miracle, Alvaro Ugarte, Liselore Vandeput, Wouter van der Giessen, Juliette Vanwaterloo, Rozenn Veauvy, Bo Vloors, Alexander Webber, asbl CEIJEL

CURATEURS: Sandrine Bouillon, Philippe Braem, Arthur Cordier, Sophie Delhasse, Bertrand Léonard, Maxime Moinet, Anna Ozanne, Pauline Salinas


Christine Clinckx, from the Cut Up Family Pictures, 2020 vitrine Place des Déportés 5
Liège expo until 31.8.2023 more info : www.artaucentre.be


christine clinckx , The Artist, Elisabeth, Virginia Joanna Verheyen-Content 1935, 2023 collage 1.85 x 0.90 m


christine Clinckx, !!!WAR IS OVER!!! 2022 photograph 3x2m


Christine Clinckx , performance: Everything is connected 2023 for Vered Ben-kiki
— @ Rhok Academie.

CHEWING GUM Neclace , oil paint on chewing gum, enveloppe 2022 #christineclinckx

— bij Eva Steynen.Deviations.


WEDDING SHOES , chewing balls wedding shoes 2023  #christineclinckx 

Finissage : Saturday 4 March, 2 - 6pm Eva Steynen.Deviations Gallery


Op 7 mei start STORMLoop curator Tom Liekens nodigde meer dan 30 kunstenaars uit, die exposeren op 12 locaties in de binnenstad Herentals .
Vernissage 12 u KAPEL ( wolstraat 27 Herentals )
Guy SLABBINCK, Philip AGUIRRE Y OTTEGUI - Meer info https://www.stormloop.be/paterskerk/
Stéphanie LEBLON, Wouter VERBEKE, Thé VAN BERGEN, Guy VAN BOSSCHE, Nel AERTS, Evelien HIELE, Lien HILLEN, Christophe MALFLIET, Joris VANPOUCKE, Greet VAN AUTGAERDEN, Cindy WRIGHT, Virginie BAILLY, Tom LIEKENS, Nick ANDREWS, Stefan SERNEELS, Bram KINSBERGEN, Stephan BALLEUX, Stijn COLE, Caroline COOLEN, Zoro FEIGL, Michèle MATYN, Luc VANSOOM, Nils VERKAEREN - Meer info https://www.stormloop.be/sint-waldetrudiskerk/

these slides are moldy and affected by nature. if you leave something outside for a longer period, nature takes over. I put these slides of landscapes and family situations in the ground in the year 2000 and dug them up in the year 2020 #christineclinckx , Under Ground, 2000 - 2020 slides  #naturestrikesback #contemporaryphotography #contemporaryart #analog #analogphotography #artistinquarantine @ Antwerp, Belgium


een "Collagistische" actie
FINISSAGE @ Verbeke Foundation tomorrow 3 /4/2022 till 6 pm

#verbekefoundation #christineclinckx #collageart Christine Clinckx #collage #collagist #photography #analogphotography #analog #contemporaryart #contemporaryphotography #silvergelatinprint #Baryta #animation #animationfilm #animationcollage

speciale editie van het boek ERROR ERROR met kauwgomballen editie op 10 exemplaren, waarvan er nog enkele beschikbaar zijn! Uitgave expo ERROR ERROR, Brugge 2000 curator Michel Dewilde Art Historian & Curator Het werk Stick It Up Yours maakt deel uit van de SMAK Gent collectie. #christineclinckx
— bij Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp.




expo @eva steynen gallery

The sculpture enters into a dialogue with my 1940 photo series, which, like 5 Minutes, is a work in progress. The series documents a concrete object that was stolen by my great-grandmother and grandmother during their flee from the bombing during World War II with the intention of possibly making it profitable. By unrecognizable image of the object I link the choice of these two refugees, my ancestors, to the here and now, but I also respect their desire to keep the object hidden. photo: Christine Clinckx, "The Object, 1940 ", 2018 photograph on Agfa Paper #analogephotography 

until 26 october 2019 from thursay - saturday 2 -6 pm
Eva Steynen.Deviations Zurenborgstraat 28 - Antwerp 

print for expo #KONTRAPUNT#christineclinckx, 1940, 2018 photograph on Baryta Paper #analogphotography#antwerpartweekend2019 Antwerp Art Weekend 2019
— bij Bernaerts Auctioneers.




???http://ensembles.mhka.be/.../inbox-christine-clinckx/items   ???Christine Clinckx , 1946 Belgium, 2014 photograph

        @ M HKA museum for contemprary Art Antwerp 

@collection SMAK Gent museum Christine Clinckx , Stick it Up Yours , 1998 chewing gum
https://smak.be/en/collection/the-collection/4814. #smak #smakmuseum #smakcollection #smakgent


#christineclinckx , 7 DAYS, video projection 2009 — EXPO AT BORGERHUB performance 25/10/2021



#christineclinckx Self Portrait Collage From the Quarantine Corona Series 2021 film negatives collage


I’m proud to present the new record by Matt Watts and Nicolas Rombouts - Muted songs for piano ?with my cover image on it ? taken from the 20 Years Underground . Limited edition /300 you can buy the record @Starman records ? https://starmanrecords.bandcamp.com/.../muted-songs-for... ? cover image : #christineclinckx 20 Years Underground, 2000-2020



In 2000 I buried some 500 color slides showing family scenes. Twenty years later I dug them up. Layers of color had come off and in other cases the slides were molded, while the images of other slides had completely disappeared, allowing me to further manipulate some of them. The slides are meant to be shown in a double slide projection. This book contains a selection of the images.


NEW BOOK : CUT -UP Family Pictures 2020


I am honored to receive this prize!

SABAM for Culture Prize 2020 lockdown


During the Covid-19 quarantine I composed a self-portrait each day using cut-up photo negatives of family pictures and assembled them into this book. As such, it can be 'read' as a visual diary of these strange days.



NEW BOOK: preview

CHRISTINE CLINCKX /photographs 2016-2019

book preview clinckx book preview clinckx photography

Exhibition @Eva Steynen Gallery Antwerp

“What would you take with you when you have to leave your house within 5 minutes?” Since 1995 Christine Clinckx confronts the visitors of her exhibitions with this question. It not only suggests an acute situation and highlights what people find precious, but also confronts us with our approach to life.

Based on the items a person would take, Clinckx makes three-dimensional portraits.

Connected with this questioning lies her ongoing photographic project '1940', a series that documents an object her mother and grandmother stole, in the hope to make money out of it, while they where on the run for the bombings during WW2. The object Clinckx shows in her photographic work is beyond all recognition. In this way she transfers the choice of two refugees - in this case her ancestors - into the present time, and by doing so she respects their choice to keep the hidden object invisible. For her first solo show at Eva Steynen.Deviation(s) Christine Clinckx confronts a selection of this photographic series with a three-dimensional portrait, especially made for this exhibition, of the Belgian philosopher Jaap Kruithof (1929 - 2009). This fictive portrait named 'The Things Man' is assembled from a random selection out of a collection of 10.000 objects Kruithof left to the Museum aan de Stroom (MAS). It is part of a bigger project of the MAS to upcycle the Kruithof-collection. In his publications Omgaan met de dingen (1991), Ingaan op de dingen (1992) en Doorgaan met de dingen (1994) the philosopher denounced consumer-society and promoted the circular economy. (https\://www.mas.be/nl/kruithof) As Kruithof passed away then years ago, he cannot answer Clinckx' question about what he would take in the presumed situation. On the other hand, for some reason he has chosen the objects he collected and preserved them. The sculpture Clinckx presents, an ensemble combining a still-lifewith a fictive portrait of the philosopher, writer and collectioner, suggests what he could have taken. As in her photographic work the presented items are not visual, but hidden in suitcases. The connection between the objects evokes a storyline that can be read by the viewer. This line of objects literally runs through the gallery making itself a way to the outside as a silent an slow undulation of preserved things. During the vernissage of the show on the 26 of September, visitors are invited write down their personal answer to the above question, and have their 'portrait' made. more info:

http://www.deviations.evasteynen.be/index.php?page=2019_christine-clinckx or facebook link:https://www.facebook.com/christine.clinckx/media_set?set=a.10158298176353492&type=3

clinckx  thing man you have 5 minutes to leave your house what do you take, project 1995 ongoing


Exhibition Kontrapunt @Bernaerts Gallery Antwerp curator Maryam Najd

Kontrapunt is a project which accumulates a discussion about the issues that are not efficiently and widely used and recognized in every society. “As we know there are many societies that cannot agree with the freedom of expression but here in Belgium and generally in Europe we have a better situation than the rest of the world. I would like to take a benefit of this position by organizing an exhibition, which shows to the public, the power of art in opposition to censorship and control. Freedom of expression is essential to the Arts. It needs to be actively sustained at the heart of the artistic practice and mission, or it risks being undermined and diminished by the conflict of interests. Throughout history works of art have been altered, silenced and even erased due to unacceptable content, whether the motivations for censorship were religious, social or political. Yet artists have long pushed boundaries of “offensive” through their imagery and content, presenting everything... Therefore, for the second edition of Kontrapunt, I would like to display the Artworks that ‘could be’ prohibited or banned not necessarily in Europe but other parts of the world.” Participating artists: Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven (BE), Danny De Vos (BE), Christine Clinckx (BE), Charif Benhelima (BE/ MR), Mekhitar Garabedian (SY), Maryam Najd (IR). more info:


clinckx, 1945, 2018

christine clinckx, 1945, 2018-2019 photograph on metal each 100 x 150 cm #wetcollodion


Exhibition INBOX M HKA Museum for Contemporary Art Antwerp : http://www.muhka.be/nl/programme/detail/659-inbox-christine-clinckx

fragment of the film


This book was published by Christine Clinckx in May 2016. Language English, Soft cover, 180 pages.

A survey of the photoworks of Belgian artist Christine Clinckx, assembled and designed by the artist.

The book presentation will be on 25.6.2016 in LAC Narbonne, France

You can see and / or order the book by using this link: http://nl.blurb.com/b/7130514-christine-clinckx-photographs-1994-2016



clinckx book photography Belgian photographer



This book was published by Christine Clinckx in January 2016. Language English, Soft cover, 200 pages.

A survey of the installations, performances and photoworks of Belgian artist Christine Clinckx, assembled and designed by the artist.

The book also contains archive documents, a full c.v., and texts by Stijn Huijts and Elke Andreas Boon.

The book presentation will be on 8.12.2016 in M HKA, Museum for contemporay Art Antwerp

The expo INBOX at the Museum M HKA will be from 8.12.2016 - 8.1.2017

Preview and order with this link.


book link clinckx

It is also available in a limited edition of 20 copies, hand signed and hand numbered, including a signed photograph on Steinbach paper 21 x 21 cm with burning marks. Every edition is unique, you can order the book edition for 220 euro contact

clinckx edition

christine clinckx, edition / 20


EL CAMINO/ the way between two points , group exhibition with Stijn Cole, Renato Nicolodi, Jonas Van Steenkiste, Cel Crabeels, Ronny Delrue and Christine Clinckx, curator Christa Vyvey

'Cahier de Route' in het Provinciaal Hof te Brugge (vernissage 13.5.2016)

exhibition Lieu d'Art Contemporain, Narbonne, France (25.2016-18.9.2016)



U bent vriendelijk uitgenodigd op de tentoonstelling


ccNOVA schijfstraat 105 2020 Antwerp van 1.10.2015 - 29.10.2015

christine clinckx, El Camino , 2015 video performance Antwerp Hoboken ccNOVA

ONE /deel 2:
21 juni 2015 van 11.00u tot 18.00u

Een tentoonstelling in vijf delen gecureerd door
Elke Andreas Boon op uitnodiging van
Second Room

splitsing koopvaardijlaan
Afrikalaan, 9000 Gent

christine clinckx, '5 minutes' , 1995 - 2015 interactive project with the public. Bicycle, bags, content

“What would you take with you when you have to leave your house within 5 minutes?” Since 1995 Christine Clinckx confronts the visitors of her exhibitions with this question. It not only suggests an acute situation and highlights what people find precious, but also confronts us with our approach to life. Based on the items a person would take, Clinckx makes three-dimensional portraits.

Kauwend op de wereld.
Christine groeide op met familieverhalen over bombardementen, haat, vluchten, schuilen, honger, achterlaten. Hier ligt de kiem van haar oeuvre.
Ze gebruikt en hergebruikt brieven, stempels, menselijk haar, roze kauwgum, oude foto’s, tapijten… de sporen van dit leven. Ze vindt hierin een melancholische schoonheid, een manier om te vertalen, te communiceren, te vertellen.

Haar werken kunnen wreed zijn, ze doen ons kijken naar dingen die we niet willen zien, niet willen meemaken. Ze zijn machtig, dwingend maar behouden altijd een afstand door hun humor en/of schoonheid.

Ze wekken ons de suggestie dat we iets kunnen veranderen, iets beter maken. Ze generen hoop en daardoor blijven ze draaglijk.

Het werk zelf komt uit een eigen wereld. In die wereld is geen logica, geen stramien.

Daar is geen kunstenaar, enkel het draaien van de cirkels van verhalen, de chaos die zich langzaam ordent als een mysterieus proces van wachten op een antwoord. Tot er iets kan ontstaan. Steeds opnieuw en opnieuw.

uit Elke Andreas Boon voor Christine Clinckx,10 juni, 2015

christine clinckx 'Code’ 2015 (20/30cm, foto op papier, houtskool, kader) 20 unieke beelden die u ter gelegenheid van dit project worden aangeboden.

Wanneer de beelden worden samengevoegd krijgt u een beeld van het niet meer bestaande flatgebouw van Renaat Braem, ring , Antwerpen.

Prijs: 125 euro/stuk intekenen en info via : clinckx (at) telenet.be



christine clinckx




for more info and pictures check christine clinckx / facebook

projects 2014


christine clinckx photography, 2014 www.artforair2014.org

christine clinckx, WALL, installation maquette, destroyed room, wood

projects 2013


Christine Clinckx, Tribute To Kurt Schwitters, Video Assemblage , Merzbarn Elterwater, Langdale, Great Brittain , 2013. I dedicate this video to Ian Hunter and Celia Larner for giving me the opportunity to make this video. Special thanks to Littoral Arts Trust director of the Merzbarn project : Ian Hunter and Celia Larner, New research and residential centre for art students, artists and architects and artists Carina Gosselé and Michael Laird. We stayed for 5 days to work on a project, a video assemblage as a tribute to Kurt Schwitters, Merzbarn. I gathered at the shore of England waste that washed ashore from the sea and I did an assemblage action at the Merzbarn. This video is the result.
projects 2012
christine clinckx THOUGHTS, WAVES, ENERGY 2012 exhibition 'ROND DE PUT' putten van ekeren projection on the church of Ekeren centrum
christine clinckx Complaining Walking Table Pie, 2012 Performance at Middelheim museum Antwerp
christine clinckx BURNING SHADOW 2012 performance at TETEM kunstruimte Enschede
christine clinckx the gathering, absurde vergadering 2012 performance at M HKA museum for contempoary art antwerp
christine clinckx OCCUPY WALL STREET SUIT 2012
projects 2011
christine clinckx WALKING CONFESSION BOX 2011 performance at M HKA Museum for contemporary Art Antwerp
christine clinckx DE LACH VAN DE DODEN 2011 video projection handelsbeurs Antwerp and performance SAMIANOS , under the railway bridge Antwerp 31.11.2011 with carina Gosselé and Dan Decalut soundperformance
projects 2010
christine clinckx Performance OUROBOROS 2010 drawing with burning fluid on the snow, fire 28.12.2010 Hof ter Bist Ekeren
christine clinckx Performance SECRET 2010 M HKA Museum for Contamporary Art Antwerp 13.10.2010
christine clinckx, Mirror suit for Michel Verkempinck performance Ekeren 2010 material: suit and broken mirrors

christine clinckx BEGGAR performance M HKA 7.8.2010 acteur Johan De Schutter


christine clinckx Free Haircut performance M HKA 7.8.2010 oorlogskapsalon ... wilt u een gat in uw haar?
christine clinckx Free Haircut performance M HKA 7.8.2010 oorlogskapsalon ... wilt u een gat in uw haar?
christine clinckx BEGGAR 2010 performance by Johan De Schutter Second room Antwerp black/white photo Bram Van Stappen
christine clinckx FREE HAIRCUT PERFORMANCE, drawing lipstick, Second Room Antwerp 12.6.2010

christine clinckx ABADON 2010 video projection / drawing at galerie Vanessa Quang, Paris


7 Days 'playing music backwards' performance christine clinckx / michel verkempinck Galerie Vanessa Quang Paris 6.5.2010

christine clinckx ABADON 2010 video projection galerie Vanessa Quang Paris
christine clinckx ABADON 2010 video projection with Vanessa Quang
7DAYS sound performance 'playing music backwards' Michel Verkempinck / Christine Clinckx at Galerie Vanessa Quang Paris 2010

Contemporary Belgium Artists

Curator : Dagmar de Poorter

Preview May 6TH from 6 to 9 PM.
At the opening a musical performance with Michel Verkempinck

Exhibition May 7 TH until May 5 TH 2010

Artists presented:
Chris Gillis
Christine Clinckx

The name of the exhibition comes from Julius Caesar’s « Commentarii de Bello Gallico », in which he describes the belge (belgae) as the bravest of all galliers: « horum Fortissimi omnium sunt Belgae ». Vanessa Quang gallery in collaboration with the Belgium curator Dagmar de Poorter organized this exhibition to present a vision of the actual the Belgium art scene. The concept of the exhibition is based on the commemoration of 180th anniversary of art in Belgium (since the official creation of the Belgium Country). It is an occasion to celebrate some emerging Belgian contemporary artists and the surrealism which represents Belgian art internationally in the history. This group of artists, who at the beginning of the 20th century created an impertinent and innovative climate, clearly inspires the actual Belgium vision of art.

To understand the work of Chris Gillis and Christine Clinckx, the cultural scene at the beginning of the 20th century has to be known, especially the precursors of this movement.
Félicien Rops and his symbolist works or James Ensor, who excelled in caricaturing bourgeois society but also the master of Belgian surrealism René Magritte and his daring juxtapositions or Paul Delvaux and Marcel Broodthaers are the most popular Belgian surrealism artist.

Surrealist literature, also inspired contemporary art with awriters like Scutenaire, Henry Michaux, Jean Ray, Johan Daisne or Hugo Claus, who was co-founder of COBRA. Impossible not to mention Henry Van de Velde who overturned the whole design vision.

In consideration of this prosperous background, it is quite evident that the Belgium culture of the past decades enriched the new Belgium art and encouraged the artists to try themselves in new media, like audio and video. This exhibition presents two emerging Belgian artists which capture the spirit of the time and invite to a joyful journey through the gallery.

The preview will be accompanied by a musical performance from Michel Verkempinck and the artist Christine Clinckx. Both will perform in front of the video projection by wearing masks and playing the electric guitar.


Contact Victor de Bonnecaze
HYPERLINK "mailto:victor@galerie-quang.com"victor@galerie-quang.com
01 44 54 92 15



HYPERLINK "mailto:dagmardepooter@gmail.com" \t "_blank" dagmardepooter@gmail.com

7 DAYS sound performance 'playing music backwards' Michel Verkempinck /Christine Clinckx at Grote Kerk Alkmaar exhibition Global Village 2010 The Nederlands

projects 2009
7DAYS sound performance 'playing music backwards' Christophe Albertijn /Christine Clinckx at Cultural center De Brakke Grond Amsterdam The Last Session Curator Jan Van Woensel

Christine Clinckx BURNING MASK 2008-2009 at Cultural center De Brakke Grond Amsterdam The Last Session Curator Jan Van Woensel
7 DAYS sound performance 'playing music backwards' Michel Verkempinck /Christine Clinckx at Dagmar De Pooter Gallery 21 June 2009

SEVEN DAYS at dagmar de pooter gallery, antwerp opening 7 may 2009

christine clinckx KOFFER sound installation 2009 Opening Doel 2009

Sound installation 'Suitcase' 2009

christine clinckx SEVEN DAYS video installation 2009
christine clinckx performance BURNING MASK 2009 at Dagmar De Pooter Gallery Antwerp

Christine Clinckx (Belgium, °1969) - “ Seven Days“ - 08 may 2009 – 13 June 2009

In her installations, videoworks, drawings and sculptures Christine Clinckx combines influences and information taken from contemporary society, personal history and ‘ancient’ knowledge. Her works could be described as contemporary ‘symbols’, deeply rooted in Clinckx’ critical and sometimes activist engagement in the world as it is: a place of crisis and conflict, in which one has to fight to survive (physically and/or mentally). In Clinckx’ world/works, things are not what they seem. Often playful and joyful at first sight, her works contain traces of disgust, fear, anger, mourning and loss. Society being a permanent battlefield of frictions and conflicts, some of Clinckx’ works can be read as shelters or hiding places. They invite people to interact and find their place /in/ the work, using it as a tool for comfort and consolation. In her videos and drawings, faces are hidden. Wigs and masks are used as secondary skins for survival and/or protection. Another important theme in her work is time/history and the way people deal with it. Processes of memory and amnesia are visualised and materialised by ‘reconstructing’ fragments of personal and/or familial histories. /Seven Days/ consists of seven masks, one for every day of the week. Masks are are fundamental part of traditional and modern rituals. They hide and protect the persons wearing them, but they also transform and enlarge aspects of their (hidden) personality. Masks are tools both for protection and performance. Clinckx also took her inspiration from ancient mythology, in which the seven days are related to gods and planets, connecting the ‘daily’ and the personal with the universal and spiritual. The seven masks are incarnations of days, gods and human emotions. They have sculptural qualities but shouldn’t be considered sculpture. Installed against the wall of the gallery, visitors are invited to try and use them and transform the gallery space into an area of ceremony or performance. The artist invites people to manipulate the chronological order of the days or to adopt several emotions. Playing becomes a subversive ritual against the order of things as we know it. Choosing a mask might already be an invitation for self-reflection, because it can be both a mirror and a disguise. To visualize the possibilities of performance and to invite visitors to join in, Clinckx asked seven people to wear the masks in public space. The registration of this happening will be shown in the gallery. During the opening of the show, Christine Clinckx will do the peformance /Burning Mask/ in front of the gallery.
Artist own website: http://www.clinckx.net .Artist profile at the gallery site: http://www.dagmardepootergallery.com


Pourbusstraat 14 B 2000 Antwerp Belgium



Tel: 03 290 85 74 Open Wed.Saturday from 2 - 6 pm and by appointment


30/04 - 04/05/2009 - NEXT Chicago
13/05 - 17/05/2009 - Art Amsterdam
08/06 - 13/06/2009 - VOLTA 5 Basel


locatie: de Halle, Markt 1 – 2440 Geel

christine clinckx performance 'BURNING MASK' Grote Markt CCde Werft Geel 2009

christine clinckx performance 'BURNING MASK' Grote Markt CCde Werft Geel 2009


christine clinckx CONTENT 2009 drawing in a suitcase on wall paper with lipstick

vernissage: vrijdag 27 februari 2009 – 20u00

Tekeningen werden al duizenden jaren geleden gemaakt, door onze prille voorouders. En nog steeds is de waarde van een tekening niet te onderschatten. In ons dagelijks leven beseffen we niet hoe dikwijls we met tekeningen te maken krijgen. Bij ieder zelfbouwmeubel hoort een getekende handleiding te zitten. Het model van onze mobiele telefoontoestellen, het huis waarin we wonen, het behangpapier aan de muur in de woonkamer,... al deze zaken werden door designers of architecten getekend. Tegenwoordig in 3D, op computers. Maar in wezen start alles echter met een schets op een vel papier.

Op de tentoonstelling zal werk te zien zijn van twintig kunstenaars. Elke kunstenaar werkt sinds jaren volgens een heel eigen, actuele manier van tekenen. Het verfrissende standpunt dat de kunstenaars in Drawing Actions innemen tegenover onze globale leefwereld, vormt de grootste overeenkomst tussen de verschillende oeuvres. Drawing Actions is een project over, rond en met tekeningen en toont de verschillende aspecten van het tekenen binnen de hedendaagse kunst.

De tentoonstelling toont het werk van Yves Beaumont (B), Simon Benson (NL/GB), Christine Clinckx (B), Caroline Coolen (B), Robbie Cornelissen (NL), Eva De Leener (B), Arpaïs Du Bois (B), Sacha Eckes (B), Bert Frings (NL), Jef Gysen (B), Karin Hanssen (B), Bruno Hardt (B), Ulrike Heydenreich (D), Peter Morrens (B), Timothy Nolan (USA), Ante Timmermans (B), Jos van der Sommen (NL), Kris Van Dessel (B), Marilou Van Lierop (B) en dominique V.D. wall (B). De expo kwam tot stand onder het curatorschap van kunstenaar Kris Van Dessel (B).
Voor meer info: openingsuren: van zaterdag 28 februari tot en met zondag 29 maart 2009
op vrijdag, zaterdag en zondag van 10u00 tot 17u00
Cultuurcentrum de Werft info.dewerft@geel.be www.dewerft.be

projects 2008
van provo tot nu, kunst in een sociaal politieke context Stedelijk Museum 't Gasthuis Aalst - De Werf 18.10-23.11.2008 curator Roger D'Hondt

MuHKA 2008 photo Frank Toussaint www.franktoussaint.be
Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch’intrate (‘Gij die hier binnentreedt, laat alle hoop varen’) luidt het opschrift boven de ingang van de hel, zoals die beschreven werd door Dante Alighieri. Dante’s Divina Commedia vormt de rode draad in de tentoonstellingen Cielo (Dagmar De Pooter Gallery) en Inferno (De Rode 7). Voor beide locaties, de eerste op Antwerpen Zuid, de tweede in Antwerpen Noord, realiseerde Clinckx enkele nieuwe werken.


Sint-Jansplein 7 2060 Antwerpen rode 7

7 opening met projectie dinsdag 26 februari om 21 uur

tentoonstelling tot 5 april
filmprojectie op vrijdag- en zaterdagavond

De nieuwe video Tunnel suggereert een virtuele tunnel die vanop het Antwerpse Zuid naar de ingang van de ondergrondse parkeerplaats van het St. Jansplein in Antwerpen Noord loopt. Daar wordt dezelfde film geprojecteerd op een kiosk voor restaurant-galerie De Rode 7 waar de tentoonstelling haar tweede luik heeft (en waar je een door de kunstenaar ontworpen inferno-gerecht kan bestellen, terwijl je in afwachting een door haar ontworpen tarotspel kan spelen). De film bestaat uit een montage van uiteenlopende ‘tunnelvideo’s’ die Clinckx op het internet vond en opnieuw filmde. In de montage zitten beelden van onschuldige tunnels waar jongeren bommetjes tot ontploffing brengen , maar ook smokkeltunnels, ontsnappings- en ontduikingstunnels, catacomben, tunnels die gebruikt worden door terroristen, tunnels die dienen als woonplaats, maar ook een tunnel om de avondklok te omzeilen en de plaatselijke ijsbar te bezoeken. De film vormt een lange ‘aaneengebreëen’ tunnel die je als een treinreis meesleurt naar de andere kant van de stad. Voor Boerinnenkookboek vermengde Clinckx recepten voor explosieven uit The Anarchist Cookbook met die voor traditionele gerechten uit het bekende kookboek van de Boerinnenbond. Deze mix is in rode lippenstift op behangpapier genoteerd. Het gebruik van rode lipstick, een ambivalent materiaal dat Clinckx wel vaker hanteert, refereert aan bloedsporen, oorlogskleuren en erotiek. Ook de editie op een one-USdollar biljet is met dezelfde rode lipstick geschreven. Hierop vindt je dezelfde ingrediënten terug, maar nu geïsoleerd en uit hun context getrokken. Pas indien je de hele editie (20 exemplaren) samenvoegt, krijg je opnieuw de juiste combinatie. In het restaurant kan je een speciaal ontworpen inferno gerecht en een inferno drank bestellen.

Dagmar De Pooter Gallery

Voor haar videoprojectie Het boek van de mens herfotografeerde Clinckx alle foto’s in het medische naslagwerk Het boek van de mens (1969) en verwerkte die tot een draaikolk van weglopend badwater. De plafondprojectie refereert aan de talrijke plafondschilderingen met hemelse scènes in kerken uit de 17de en 18de eeuw. Tegelijkertijd is er een duidelijke link met haar vroegere plafondprojectie Inferno (2001, collectie Stedelijk Museum Het Domein Sittard, NL) dat een kluwen van vuurrode, kronkelende reuzentongen toonde. Voor de rest wordt de galerieruimte in beslag genomen door een transparante, opblaasbare bal waar de bezoeker staand in plaats kan nemen. Daardoor neemt hij onbewust de houding aan van de zogenaamde ‘Vitruviaanse mens’, die vooral bekendheid geniet via de beroemde tekening van Leonardo Da Vinci, en symbool staat voor de mens als verbinding tussen aarde en kosmos. In deze ‘ideale’ positie kan de bezoeker de tentoonstelling al rollend en vanuit steeds andere standpunten waarnemen. De gigantische ‘vitruviaanse bal’ zal echter grotendeels de toegang versperren zodat de andere bezoekers maar een beperkte ruimte hebben om zich een weg te banen naar de rest van de galerieruimte. Musicus Michel Verkempinck schreef de originele muziek bij dit werk en inspireerde zich daarvoor op de ‘negen poorten’ die Dante in zijn Goddelijke Komedie beschrijft. Verder in de ruimte staan naar analogie daarmee enkele deuren opgesteld, waaronder een die beschilderd werd met het opschrift Il Bosco dei violenti.

christine clinckx TUNNEL 2008 video projection
christine clinckx het boek van de mens, 2008 video installation dante lasciate ogni speranza voi ch'entrate
christine clinckx HET BOEK VAN DE MENS, 2008 video installation at dagmar de pooter gallery, antwerp 2008
christine clinckx TUNNEL video projection 2008 - DOOR 1 DOOR 2 drawings, 2008
christine clinckx DOOR 1 drawing, 2008
christine clinckx DOOR 2 drawing, 2008
 christine clinckx il bosco violenta 2008
christine clinckx IL BOSCO VIOLENTA 2008

projects 2007 - 2006

christine clinckx WHISPERING HEIGHTS 2007 sound installation photo christophe letzer

christine clinckx WHISPERING HEIGHTS 2007 sound installation photo christophe letzer

christine clinckx fragment from the boerinnenbond recepy 2006 written with lipstick on wall paper